Detailed programme

Below is a detailed programme for the IV International Organic Fruit Symposium and II International Organic Vegetable Symposium. Check the date, time and type of your presentation here. 
For a proper presentation preparation guidelines, those are provided in the following files.


List od posters

Posters will be displayed in the dedicated Mokotowska conference room, starting on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, and lasting until the end of the Conference. Participants will be allowed to enter the room and discuss the posters at any time during conference hours.
  1. Vincenzo Alfano “Agronomic and environmental performances of fertilizers derived from fine coal waste on organic cauliflower in Mediterranean environment”
  2. Vincenzo Alfano “Organic fertilizers innovative application on broccoli performance in Mediterranean environment”
  3. Luka Batistic “Study of the insecticidal efficacy of various inert dusts against the most important cabbage pests”
  4. Ferdinando Branca “Seed yield and quality of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in relation to different nutrition protocols for organic farming”
  5. Loredana Canfora “A novel aptamer-based approach for detecting a target microorganism in soil”
  6. Roxana Ciceoi ”Soil quality improvement in cultivation of organic raspberry crop through inclusion of companion plants”
  7. Corrado Costa ”Is it possible to obtain NDVI from RGB images?”
  8. Nika Cvelbar Weber ”Potential use of fungal biofertilizers and biopesticides in integrated and organic strawberry production in Slovenia”
  9. Grzegorz Doruchowski ”Technology for soil application of liquid bioproducts in organic berry production”
  10. Ewa Furmanczyk ”Comparison of soil nematodes communities in organic and conventional horticultural cropping systems”
  11. Veronica Giorgi ”Biodynamic fruit production: a case study in Italy”
  12. Ruxandra Gogot ”WinFolia system - a useful tool for assessing pest and disease rate attacks on pear leaves”
  13. Birgit Lepp ”Soil fertility in German apple orchards – farmers´ management strategies and their impact on soil properties”
  14. Anna Lisek ”Identification of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, as components of bioproducts, using the PCR-DGGE technique, to improve the protection of tomato plants against soil-borne pathogens”
  15. Eligio Malusa ”Trials with essential oils to reduce the damage from sea buckthorn fruit fly and some fruit diseases on sea buckthorn organic plantations”
  16. Morgan Ourry ”Fungal biofertilizers and biopesticides applied in integrated and organic strawberry fields in Denmark”
  17. Monika Michalecka ”The influence of organic fertilizers on the soil microbial community structure and diversity”
  18. Marco Mingozzi ”Flame Treatment in Agriculture: instantaneous heating as a technology for weeding and disinfection in sustainable farming”
  19. Olusegun Olubode ”Responses of Carrots (Daucus carota) to organic manure application rates when cultivated under different plant spacing methods”
  20. Federico Pallottino ”A multivariate Self-Organizing Map approach for soil biodiversity”
  21. Claude-Eric Parveaud ”Twenty cover-crops assessed in orchard tree rows: what's left after 5 years?”
  22. Claude-Eric Parveaud ”Do cover-crops affect soil microbial activity of orchards? Two-years results in continental and Mediterranean conditions”
  23. Gerard Podedworny ”Intercropping of berry crops with flowering plants as a biodiversity-based practice to facilitate pest control”
  24. Magdalena Ptaszek ”Possibilities of protecting broccoli grown in an organic system against the most dangerous agrophages”
  25. Massimo Pugliese ”Effect of biocontrol agents and resistant inducers against Phytophthora crown rot, caused by Phytophthora capsici, on zucchini and sweet pepper in a closed soilless system”
  26. Joanna Pulawska ”Laboratory evaluation of selected substances and biopreparations with repellent and bioinsecticidal activity against the spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii)”
  27. Jaka Razinger ”Effects of soil-deployed fungal bioinocula on strawberry canopy arthropods”
  28. Lidia Sas-Paszt ”Microbial consortia as components of biopreparations stimulating plant growth, yielding and reducing losses of mineral nutrients to the soil, waters and air  - EcoNutri project”
  29. Kamaldeep Singh "An overview on innovative technologies snd recent advances in organic farming systems"
  30. Danuta Solecka ”Obtaining stable forms of in vitro cultures from Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don plants - a potential target for the application of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technique”
  31. Magdalena Szczech ”The aims and outcomes of BioHortiTech project: Improved bioinocula and living mulching technologies for integrated management of horticultural crops”
  32. Malgorzata Tartanus ”Evaluation of different attractants for monitoring of Rhagoletis cerasi and R. cingulata in cherry orchards”
  33. Malgorzata Tartanus ”Effect of microbial and organic biostimulants on the degradation of leaves and on the soil nematodes population in organic apple orchard”
  34. Malgorzata Tartanus ”An olfactometer to study the behaviour of soil-dwelling larvae under various stimuli”
  35. Pawel Trzcinski ”Impact of Biological Control Agents on the development of symbiosis between the Tomato roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi”
  36. Paolo Valfrè ”Effect of biocontrol agents and biostimulants for managing Fusarium wilt of tomato under greenhouse conditions”
  37. Paolo Valfrè ”Efficacy of biocontrol agents and biostimulants against strawberry crown and root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani under greenhouse conditions”
  38. Sophie Wenz ”Enhancing insect diversity through companion plants for creating a resilient organic strawberry cropping system”
  39. Diana Wieczorek ”The influence of fertilization with organic Polysulphate fertilizer on yields and quality parameters of selected soft fruits”
  40. Ning Yuan ”Volatile organic compound analysis reveals rich flavor in apple under organic agriculture in Yungui Plateau”